Say whaaat….? 2017????!!!!

Holy moly!

Not only am I the lousiest baker that keep turning down people, am also the laziest website updater it seems!

In all honesty, the boss in the house is my 3 yo, like s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y

It has been 4 years now that we don’t really do cakes. Orders keep coming in but we keep saying sorry, we are not taking orders for now :-/ My 3 yo is really a mama’s little one. Apart of me is sad that I didn’t and still don’t create much for the past 4 years, my fingers always itching to work on modelling paste and its friends, the other part keep telling me that my kids are more precious than my caking-arts, which is absolutely true, esp. on their young years.

I really don’t know how to juggle as both of my kids are light sleepers. So when other bakers can work at bed time, I cannot. My 7 yo still wakes up between sleeps, and so does his little brother. And me? A monster fighter and a repeat offender…errr I mean nursery rhyme repeat singer *grin* You know, like a broken record, singing the same song (as I know not many hahahahaha) over and over again until they fall back asleep.

So, yeah, not much happening to blog about, but enjoy the new pictures uploaded!

Happy (belated) New Year of 2017 🙂