Free But Darn It (Rookie Mistake)


So we started getting stuffs that we will need for the food truck. An awesome fridge is one (pictured above), from a work colleague. Works great but come to think of it, my cakes usually are tall, wide, big, etc and they won’t fit nicely in this fridge. So we might have to get a more suitable fridge.



We were also given a working oven (we haven’t tried it on though), by the owner of IT, a local business in town. Very grateful for it but then we learned we cannot have this oven for food truck as it has different plug in. So we will store it away for now and think of something. Maybe try to sell it and the $ will go toward purchasing an oven that is (again) suitable for food truck.

So hahaha Yep! Food Truck Rookie Mistake 😉